The June meeting programming was "Skills Night: Binding". We had Jera demoing machine binding, Linda demoing how to cut continuous bias binding, Heather with mitered binding, and Mary with how to add piping to your binding.
You find continuous binding resources here or here or here is a video on how to cut and sew it.
You can source binding piping from amazon here (kit) and here (spool).
Block lotto entries:
New block lotto:
We also announced the summer challenge: Colour Wheels! We'll be revealing our colour wheels and awarding prizes in September.
We have had a lot of members finishing charity quilts for our charity Sonshine:
Sonshine has 25 residences that house women and their children and each unit turns over at least once per year. We provide quilts to everyone who enters and it's entirely possible it is one of their only possessions when they arrive. We're still asking for:
- approximately "double-ish": 60-65" x 72-75"
- approximately "bunk-bed": 48x60
- there isn't a lot of need for crib-sized at this time, but they will accept them and send them to their affiliated shelters.
Show and tell had some amazing quilts, mini quilts, and bags:
Our June Sew Day was also at the Uplands in Hawkwood and it is a beautiful space to work in. It has enough room that everyone can spread out, but it's an open space so you can still see what everyone else is doing and talk to them openly. We were working on Terrace quilts which employ 39 curves! You can see updates on instagram under #calmqgterracequilt and #calmqgsewday .
Mary taught us her techniques for managing curves and we're hoping to create a group entry for Heritage Park next year full of Terrace quilts. If you'd like to join us you can find the free pattern by Violet Craft here. Linda and Philippa showed off their finished quilt tops too.
We also opened member registration for the October Poppyprint workshops. The Saturday Speed Date with Improv class is already full, but there are a couple of spots left in the Square Peg Round Hole class - registration is currently only open to members.