Thursday, June 21, 2018

June 2018 Block Lotto - Fussycut Economy Block

Who's ready for some fussy cutting?

Toronto Modern Quilt Guild has recently choose economy blocks for their lotto, and one of their members Karen Brown (Just Get it Done Quilts) made a fantastic video!   It covers several different construction methods, so I'm sure you will find the perfect one for you. The mentioned files are all on their blog so you will have no problem finding what you need.

Another tutorial that I like is from Red Pepper Quilts.

Back in 2014, there was a hugely successful QAL that ran on Instagram  Check out the hashtag #economyblockalong. It was started by Brenda from Pink Castle Fabrics and Katy from I am a Ginger Monkey.

  • We are making 5" finished blocks  (trim to 5 1/2 including seam allowance)
  • We are fussy cutting the centers, (A) so dig out those novelty fabrics!
  • No set colour palette.
  • Use your bright modern fabrics, both prints, and solids.
  • Aim for good contrast between the 2 corner sets,(B and C) Could be a different colour, value, scale, print vs solid. Karen talks about this in her video.
  • Pay attention, and be careful with directional fabrics in corners (B and C) Karen also talks about this in her video.

General Rules:

1. Make one quilt block (or more) following the pattern and color scheme outlined in the monthly post.  For every block you make and bring to that month’s meeting, you will get one entry in the lotto.  If you are unable to attend the meeting, but really want to participate in the lotto, comment on this post or contact Philippa and we’ll try to work it out. Remember, you must be a member of CALMQG to participate.
2. The winner gets ALL THE BLOCKS to make a quilted project from them (guild reserves the right to vote on splitting up the blocks between more than one winner if there are enough entries).  If you win, the blocks become yours and you can use them in any way you choose.
3. We would like to see your finished project, either in person or pictures, within a year of winning the blocks.  You may continue to participate in and win subsequent block lottos during that time (at least for now…we may elect that you can not win again until you've shown your finished project).  After the year is up, you cannot participate or win again until the original project is finished.
4. Use modern fabrics that you like, or love! If you are unsure about your fabric selection as it relates to 'Modern', just ask.
5. Have fun!  Keep in mind that (most likely) someone else will be taking home your block to incorporate into a larger piece and things must fit together (literally, …so keeping your block true to size is probably the most important thing), but you should also make it yours and enjoy the process!
Share with the tags @calgarymqg #calmqgblocklotto #calgarymqg on IG or on the Calgary Modern Quilt Guild Facebook Group. If you would like help with either of those, contact your guild's Social Media Coordinator: Tamara Kerelchuk @ninjadesigns or @calgarymqg
Have fun!