What is the charity quilt?!
The 2016 Charity Quilt was a collaborative effort within the guild. Every year the Modern Quilt Guild designs a challenge for guilds to create a quilt that is displayed at Quiltcon in February. This year's challenge was improv and the colour palette was set by the MQG. Our guild chose a design inspired by the teepees in the Indian Village at the Stampede. At the time the Reconciliation Commission was also underway and we wanted to make a quilt to honour Canada's First Nations and that could raise funds/awareness of aboriginal issues stemming from our dark history with residential schools. You can read more about the quilt and its process here.

Who will this quilt benefit?! After some research and discussions with charity organizations it was decided that this year's quilt would benefit Ghost River Rediscovery. This organization provides summer camps and after school or evening programs for youth. Many of the youth are of aboriginal descent but the program may be accessed by any child. The organization aims to reconnect youth with nature and aboriginal teachings to develop self-esteem, leadership qualities, and a connection to nature. Ghost River Rediscovery offers scholarships to children who cannot afford to attend camp and the funds we raise will go towards providing camp experiences for these children. Of course you know that this year Calgary is seeing a steep rise in unemployment which means that many charities have lost revenue sources. Ghost River Rediscovery has been affected by this and they are counting on our raffle to support their efforts.
When: The draw will take place on September 15 at our guild meeting.
Where is the quilt now?! Most of the time it is with me (Rachel) and I am happy to bring it to events that you might be involved in! Perhaps your neighbourhood has a Stampede breakfast where tickets could be sold - I can bring the quilt to you! I can even supply tickets.
Where can I get more tickets?! From me (Rachel)! I have all of the tickets safely stowed and I can bring them to you, meet you at Wonderfil on sew days, or give them to you at meetings. Once you sell your tickets you return the stubs and money to me at a meeting. This part has to be done at a meeting because it requires a deposit from our treasurer.
Why do we participate in charity work?! Well basically because quilts are awesome and gifting a quilt is like gifting an everlasting hug. And also because the MQG's mandate includes providing quilts to support communities during transitional times. I can tell you from personal experience that charity work makes a difference in the lives of those who receive it. Women at Sonshine (our other charity project) receive our quilts as their first possessions in a new life and children who attend GRR camps connect with friends, elders, and nature in ways that can't be done in other settings.
How can I be more involved in the charity work at the Calgary Modern Quilt Guild?! There are so many ways! Right now our big focus is on selling raffle tickets for the 2016 quilt. We have 2000 tickets and it would be AMAZING to donate almost (we have to deduct the cost of the tickets) $4000 to Ghost River Rediscovery. If every single member sells 30 tickets we will be able to do this. Tickets are only $2 each and when people see the quilt they often jump at the chance to buy multiple tickets. Many members have sold tickets to coworkers, family, friends, and neighbours. As I mentioned - I can bring the quilt and tickets to special events. There are so many ways!
You can also come to sew days to make quilts for Sonshine and help us plan the 2017 charity quilt! There are so many ways to get involved in the charity work we do. If you aren't sure how you can help just ask!
I really hope this helps everyone see the Calgary Modern Quilt Guild Charity Vision.