For our July Social we met up at Edworthy Park. It was threatening to thunderstorm but at the last minute the sun came out to join us!
We awarded last month's Economy Blocks to Linda H and announced the new block lotto: Rally Block

Linda brought example blocks for our QuiltCon 2019 Charity Quilt as well as the final design and kits for members to make blocks, either by paper piecing or by Wing Clipper. Instructions coming soon!
Members are also continuing to fully finish donated quilts and quilt tops for our charity Sonshine.
Show and tell was absolutely beautiful in the park
There are currently 6 spots left in the Square Peg Round Hole Krista Hennebury workshop. Registration will be opening up to the public later today.
And finally, after many requests, here is the recipe for Linda S's Quinoa Salad that she brought last night: