What you need to know now:
- The Theme: “Quilting Goes Viral.”
- Please use Pantone, colour #18, Ultraviolet (the 2018 Colour of the year), or the equivalent KONA colour, Bright Periwinkle, along with up to two (2) additional colours on the face of your quilt
- The quilt perimeter is to be no larger than 72 inches.
- Each quilt must be finished with either binding, facings or enveloped pillow case style.
- Quilts are due at our March Guild Meeting, where we will vote on which quilt to send to the national competition.
- The winner will then have a month to attach a hanging sleeve and label, befoe we send it off at the beginning of May.
Here is the full post from the CQA.
The Canadian Quilters’ Association/Association canadienne de la courtepointe is announcing a Member Guild Challenge. Only
members of a CQA/ACC Member Guild may enter this challenge, which has the theme “Quilting Goes Viral.”

- All entries must follow the guidelines below. Each individual Member Guild may select one winner only from their Guild’s membership, on or before April 30, 2019 for entry into this challenge.
- Guilds wishing to enter the Challenge must advise of their intent via email to Bonnie Rankin, rankinbon@gmail.com by Feb 1, 2019, so that space allocation can be arranged.
- All mini quilts must be received by May 15 – May 25, 2019 so they can be displayed at QC 2019, at the EY Centre in Ottawa. Bonnie Rankin, CQA/ACC Past President will receive the quilts at 235 Mojave Cres, Stittsville, ON., K2S 0H6 Tel: 613-435-0238 email: rankinbon@gmail.com
- The winning quilt will be selected by Viewer’s Choice during Quilt Canada 2019 and awarded a $100 cash prize.
- All submitted quilts will remain in the possession of the CQA for approx. 11 months and will be returned to the owner/maker prior to Quilt Canada June 2020, in Edmonton.
- The CQA/ACC plans to take these quilts, as part of a travelling show, across Canada. Our Regional Reps and/or Board members will take the quilts to Guilds in their area to share the talents of our members.
The Challenge:
- The Theme: “Quilting Goes Viral.”
- Please use Pantone, colour #18, Ultraviolet (the 2018 Colour of the year), or the equivalent KONA colour, Bright Periwinkle, along with up to two (2) additional colours on the face of your quilt
- The quilt perimeter is to be no larger than 72 inches.
- Each quilt must be finished with either binding, facings or enveloped pillow case style.
- Please ensure that there is a hanging sleeve, at least 3 inches wide, for display purpose.
- All quilts must have a label with the Quilt name and Quilter’s name visible on it.
- Please enclose the Guild Entry Form when your quilt is shipped.
We look forward to your entry and thank you for your participation. Please send some photos of some of your Guild entries for posting on our Social Media sites. Most of all, have fun!
Heather Black, President CQA/ACC 2018/19