This month we have some members talking about how they use Technology in all parts of quilting.
The meeting agenda is:
- Guild business
- Technology in Quilting presentation
- Collect and award block lotto
- New block lotto announcements
- Show and Tell Summer Quilt Challenge
- A quilt or project for show and tell
- Name tag
- block lotto entries
- Summer Challenge Quilt
- Charity Table donations
Our September Sew Day is also at Wonderfil and the theme is English Paper Piecing. You can bring your EPP project and get instruction and help from members experienced in EPP, or you can bring your own projects to work on Saturday September 23rd 10am - 3pm.
The dues cycle is January-December and they are $50 per person. Members who join after June will pay $30. First meeting is free for visitors, then $5 per meeting (fees could be more for special programming).