As we ramp up our 2017 Quiltcon Charity
Quilt Challenge project I wanted to send out a little information about the
project. Every year this is a BIG project and our guild always rises to the
occasion to create an amazing quilt. This year my goal is to involve more
members than ever in the process! At our last meeting we revealed the project. This quilt at Heritage Park by
Vanecea Greene inspired our charity quilt for 2017. The design concept
Vanecea Greene's Orange Peel Quilt inspired
this year's charity quilt. |
year is “scale” so we decided to adapt this concept into a flying geese quilt.
We will be using two yellow shades and the two blue shades to wrangle this
palette a little more!
Here is our timeline for the project
July 9
Making kits for distribution at the
July/August meetings
July/August Meetings
Kit Distribution – Read below for details
August 20 Sew Day
Making blocks
September Meeting
Kits due back
September 17th Sew Day
Top assembly/planning
October 22nd Sew Day
November 19th Sew Day
Final sew day – hopefully the quilt is done
at this point
Early November
Off to the quilter!
Binding and Sleeve attached
Right now it feels like we have all the
time in the world but that is definitely not true! It all happens so quickly
and there is a lot of work to do!
There will be 32 kits to make blocks for
the quilt. You can get them at the July/August meetings and in August if I am around I can do some delivering. We are going
to ask that you give us a $5 deposit to take a kit. When you return the blocks
completed you will get your $5 back – we promise! This year we opted to
purchase fabric for the quilt rather than asking members to share their stash
with us. We did this for a couple of reasons, the first being that it’s faster
to get fabric at a store rather than waiting until the next meeting to gather
stash and hope we had enough. This allows us to get the project moving a whole
month faster than we could have if we waited a month to gather fabric from all
of you. We also thought that the design needed a certain level of cohesiveness
as well as variety – we hope we achieved that when we went shopping! We can’t
afford to lose any fabric and we are hoping that the deposit prevents this.

Each kit makes this set of blocks
(well you will make just one more block than this) and it takes about an hour
and a half to assemble all of these. It’s pretty quick sewing because most of
it can be chain pieced. In the kit you will get instruction so hopefully the
process is fun and painless for everyone! I am hoping to do a little sew day tutorial at one of our August sew days.
Perhaps making a kit is not your style.
That’s OK! There are lots of jobs to do! At our September 17th and October 22nd sew days
you can come and help assemble the quilt top. It’s going to be a HUGE
undertaking to get all of these little blocks in their places, many hands
will make light work on those days. Bring your machine, or set up a pressing
station, or get your math hat on – we will take all the help we can get!
If you are a longarmer – we are currently
looking for someone to do that job! For the past two years Mary Dylke of No
Rules Quilting has graciously done this job and she is willing to do it again
but just in case someone else feels passionate about contributing their skills
in this area I am throwing it out to all of you! The quilt should be ready by
early November which would give you about 3-4 weeks to complete the quilting.
You can contact me on facebook or catch me at a meeting to let me know that you
are interested in doing the quilting.
But maybe your favourite part is the
binding?! And the sleeve?! Well we have the perfect job for you. With luck, the
quilt will be quilted by the end of November or early December and ready for
binding and attaching the sleeve/label. If you know that you will have time to
do this work in December please let me know!
Phew! If you are still reading I am
impressed! The end goal is to ship the quilt in the second week of January so
that we know it will arrive on time for the February 3, 2017.
You can download a copy of the instructions to the blocks here.